Siva Temples In Kashmir
Major Sections
Temples Of India

(The Waxing and waning Sivalinga of Amarnath)

It is to this holy shrine H.H. Sankaracharya of Sarada Peeth of Kashmir leads a procession on foot every year in the month of Shravana from Srinagar. It is this kshetra that traces the origin of several monuments made by philanthropic rulers of Kashmir. And it is this thirtha kshetra that tests the endurance of pilgrims during the holy trek of 48 km taking almost one full week. It is to this yatra alone that the State Government is evincing utmost interest in arranging every amenity, like food, accommodation, transport, medical, post and telegraph, police etc., to the pilgrims from the starting point to the sannidhi and back to Pahalgam, the scenic tourist resort and the place from where normally the journey on foot begins by tourists and pilgrims. And finally it is .this kshetra that gives darsan of the Adi-dampatis in the form of pigeons on wing even today -- a standing reality of the divinity enshrined in linga to ,the believers of every 'ism' in the theistic world.

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About Amarnath
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