Siva Temples In Kashmir
Major Sections
Temples Of India

(The Waxing and waning Sivalinga of Amarnath)

This rare 'phenomenon has been highly applauded by even other religions and they recorded it with inexplicable joy. The famous An-i-Akbari of Abul Fazl embodies this rare phenomenon with great gusto. It says in Vol.II Page 360 -- "Amarnath is considered a shrine of great sanctity. When the new moon rises, from her throne of rays, a bubble as it were of ice formed in the cave which daily increases little by little for fifteen days till it is somewhat higher than two yards, of the measure of yard determined by his majesty; with the waning of moon the, image likewise begins to decrease, till no trace of it remains when the moon disappears". Needless to prolong that every national who visits it expresses his infinite joy is such terms, that bears testimony to his acceptance of the divinity presiding in the cave. There is on the left, a small cave inside Amarnath, from which a white substance resembling chalk is dug out and given to the visitors as Vibhuti of Amarnath. And this prasadam is distributed by Mohammedans of Batukut village, whose share in making the journey enjoyable during halts at several places and service at every step are beyond description. Distribution of prasadam by Muslims in a Hindu shrine is very odd, and can be deemed a rarity of rarities. It only mirrors Lord Maheswar's giving prominence to devotion than to man made distinctions. It is going on! This practice is rooted in a strange myth. Listen !

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About Amarnath
The Cave And The Snow Linga...Pg1 
The Cave And The Snow Linga...Pg2
You are Here! The Cave And The Snow Linga...Pg3
Origin of the snow linga...Pg1
Origin of the snow linga...Pg2