Of India |
Waxing and waning Sivalinga of Amarnath) |
In the beginning, according to tradition, Kashmir valley was a lake
called Sati-saras, named after Parvathi, the consort of Lord
Maheswar. This was the habitat of dreadful demons, the sworn enemies
of humans and gods. Their existence was a perennial threat to people
living nearby, as they were cannibals and delighted at the suffering
of human beings. Pitying their misery, Kasyapa, the great humanist
sage destroyed the entire race along with their king Jalodbhava.
Later, he converted this place of Himavan, the father of Parvathi
into land and named it Kashmir Mandal. In course of time, many
shrines of great spiritual significance were built by kings of
Kashmir both for Siva and Vishnu. As their number increased rapidly,
they covered almost all the space, and many thirthas were discovered
to the extent that there was not an inch of space that was not
dedicated either to Vishnu or Siva. Amarnath, the sacred thirtha
kshetra dedicated to Lord Maheswar tops the list and lies at a
distance of about 100 km to the north-east of Srinagar, the capital
of Kashmir. And it is made popular by the theist kings of Kashmir by
their humanitarian ministrations. Kalhana's master-piece Raja -
tarangani, the veritable treasure house of the history of Kashmir
kings and their rule deals with the origin of Amarnath in detail,
and throws light on the yatra . to that Himalayan abode of Lord
Maheswar. '
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