In accordance with it, he was born to Parshva couple as son. When he
was in fifth year, gods headed by Siva reached the King and asked him to send
Ganesh to wage war against Vignasura. When he was unwilling, Ganesh
convincing his parents went to the asura's abode and bade his weapon Ankusa
to bring the demon before him bound hands and legs. Vignasura tried to outwit
him by taking several forms such as flood, fire, and cyclone. It was easy for
Ganesh, the All-Powerful to bring him to his feet. When all the demonic
powers proved futile, the beaten Vignasura prostrating before Ganesh begged
for forgiveness. Taking pity on him he granted forgiveness with a difference' -
he asked him to create obstacles to any, if he does not worship Ganesh before
taking up any work, be it even the highest TRIO., Moreover, to deprive the
power and to teach just lesson to the egoistic, evil minded erratic living beings,
living either in heaven or earth. Finally righteous people should be protected
always, when they remember him. It was accepted sans exception. From that
moment Ganesh was appropriately called Vigneswar; for, he became the Lord
of Vignasura, the trouble-shooter. This happened in Ojhar, and hence a befitting
temple was built later. And rulers endowed it liberally.