Temples For The Triple Sects
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Palani, the tri-syallabled word that treasures up several legends and myths is a combination of two meaningful words PALA-NEE, It means "Thou art the fruit' - you are the fruit of knowledge, as the context goes. This sacred word dropped from the holy lips of Lord Siva, when Subrahmanya, his pet son abused the parents fur giving the fruit to Vinayaka as prize for making a mere single round of them, amounting to Bhupradakshina according to sastras, whereas he actually went round the world mounted on his peacock in conformity with conditions laid down for winning the prize. The word thus came into existence subsequently referred to the august seat of Subrahmanya, popularly called Muruga, and acquired such immense spiritual significance that it became one of the most visit-worthy pilgrim centres of our Bharat. As his glory started mounting up so fast and great through miracles, he has been performing ever since he made this sacred hill as his eternal abode, that it totally eclipsed the importance of the centuries - old shrines, and in certain cases many paled into insignificance. Nay, they are shining like glow worms before the Sun that this temple is. To be precise, he became the darling god of both class and mass, that there is no home in Tamil Nadu without knowing or adoring him with utmost veneration.

It may not be exaggeration to say that, at least five out of ten in Tamil Nadu, particularly feel highly honoured in bearing his name in a wide variety of its ramifications, Eke Gnanapanditha, Guhane, Saravanan, Alagar, Kadirvel, Kumaran, Kandan, Velan, Vadivelan, Karthikeyan, Dandayudhapani, Subrahmanya, Skanda, Shanmuga, Muruga, Palani, Arumuga, Sivakumar, Senthil etc. He is indescribably glorified to the extent, that there is no village or town without his temple; no street without his icon fixed in some corner or the other; no house without his portrait; no auspicious occasion begins without mentioning his name; no public institution that does not declare a holiday on any one of the days dear to him like Krithikai, Kanda Shasti etc: no Kalakshepam that does not make a reference to his exploits overly or covertly and no venture or business becomes complete without mentioning his name at one stage or the other. 


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