Temples For The Triple Sects
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Thus grown in fame and sanctity, he adorned and has been adorning literature of every genre that no singer or saint, writer or reporter ever earns a living or fame, if he does not claim his adoration to that Muruga; for, it is this deity that is deemed Gnanapanditha; the custodian of Tamil Culture; the indomitable war-lord; the enchanting prince charming that enkindles devotion and assures abhaya to everyone, regardless of caste, religion, creed, region etc; it is this Muruga that established his sway over people to the astonishment of his own father and proved more popular than that great Lord Siva, known for infinite compassion; it is to this Lord, Parvathi; Lakshmi, Agni and Surya worshipped at this abode; it is this temple that has a winch service enabling the aged and infirm to reach his feet; it is this deity considered as the. infant aspect of Lord Siva: and it is this abode - Palani deemed the best among his arupadiveedas - six favourite abodes, in terms of the number of visiting devotees, hundi collections, performance of a wide range of prayer services etc. Moreover, with the passage of time, the fame of this temple's deity popularly known as Dandayudhapani is growing in dasadisas, and on the basis of this unprecedented fame, one can infer that many shrines of once global importance may likely go without adorers. What then is the cause of the popularity? Who is responsible for that phenomenal growth? A look at his birth and growth lifts and certain on the mystery. So turn the pages of legends for illumination. Some short accounts are given in the introduction. Read for illumination.


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About Palani - Dandayudhapani Temple
Uniqueness Pg1
You are Here! Uniqueness Pg2
The Temple
The Moolavar