Temples For The Triple Sects
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Temples Of India


The kings of Kashmir were devout Suryopasakas and they practiced and advocated Sun-worship, with a difference. Scriptures in several places visualised in unambiguous terms, the glory of Surya Bhagawan and rated him one with the greatest among gods. "Adhitya Hridaya" brings out the significance of his portfolio, and the powers he embodies in himself. This chant has mani-fold powers, besides killing enemies, like restoring mental' peace, eradicating physical maladies, increasing span of life etc.

Having realised the splendid position he is occupying and portfolio holding the kings of Kashmir, staunch followers of Hindu Dharma endeavoured to build gigantic temples, engaging master sculptors of many kinds for the Sun-god in many places. Agamic puja was enjoined and festivals of definite periodicity were conducted.


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