projects on the mental screen the celestial capital of Devendra, and
as the spool rolls, we witness a series of sublime soul-lifting
sights moving in quick succession, like the extensive evergreen
sprawling Nandanavana, smiling with multi-coloured flowers, busy
anointing the graceful cool breeze with a unique aroma to enveloping
the entire celestial region; the boon - raining Kalpadruva at its
centre; the wish - yielding Kamadhenu nibbling at the tender green
luscious grass, on the sumptuously grown lawns, interspersed with
long avenues of neat, broad pathways, cut by regular criss-crossed
foot paths leading to pools of light ,fenced with gold bars for
bathing, lying adjacent to the majestic Mandakani, moving with
gurgling delight, almost touching the palatial mansions,
reverberating with ecstatic rejoicing over cups of Amrit, emptied
one after another by the all-contented care-free immortals....
despite this and much more, alas! it is found bereft of stately
built, magnificently sculptured and multi-tired imposing towers of
spacious places of worship ringing with devotional songs sung in
chorus by god-intoxicated to the accompaniment of instrumentalists
playing oblivious of surroundings and time sense. As if to
compensate and stand superior to this, there lies here in this Punya
Bharat a city with a remarkable difference, over packed to its
bounds with marvels of infinite variety, yet bearing the same name
of Amaravathi in the state of Andhra Pradesh, heading the list of
States of the Indian Union.