greets the ears with mellifluous lilting strains, and presents
before the eyes a holy hill temple consecrated by the auspicious
presence of Lord Narsimha, the fourth incarnation of Sri Mahavishnu,
conferring Mukti on the adorers, since the Kritayuga onwards. True
to his name Narasimha- the combination of man-lion form though
causes tremors in the minds of the lily-livered or unrighteous,
demonical persons; he is the kindest of kindests extending succour
to the truest bhaktas at the cost of personal discomfort. His fierce
looking exterior in fact conceals the most responsive, pliable,
soft, supple, sensitive, readily dissoluble butter-like heart that
wafts him speedier than manovga across the universes to lift the
adorers at a mere call. And it is this incarnation that showed to
the world the Omnipresence of the Supreme Providence. By rescuing
Prahlad from the excruciating tortunes, he presented to the world a
unique specimen of a devotee, besides freeing the world from the
egoistical creed of 'Ahambramhasmi' of that conceited Hiranyakasipu.
It demostrated that he endures anything for the sake of his bhaktas,
as evidenced by bearing that hideous, uncouth, terrifying lion's
head with its grisly mane, sharp incisors and disheveled hair over
the shapely, sturdy, shiny, broad shoulders of his jaganmohanarupa.