Mulavirat is adorned with a neck chain containing 108 Salagramas. A
rare make, and a grand jewel worthy to be worn by a Lord of
Narasimharupa alone. There is a car in this temple made of wood and
displaying the exquisite carvings of many stories from the epics
like the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavatha. The craftsmanship is
of superior kind and enthralls the viewers with many interesting
episodes of eternal interest. It was visited by spiritual
dignitaries like Sri Sankaracharya, Ramanuja and Chaitanya Prabhu.
And imperial monarchs like Sri Krishna Devaraya. The several
inscriptions found on the walls help to trace the history of the
temple since its inception.
is believed that this kshetra grants mokshaprapti with mere single
visit. Lord Sri Rama, it is recorded, visited this kshetra and
obtained Mukti. As the story goes, despite his adherence to
righteousness and striving for Dharmapalana, he had problems and
they robbed him of his mental peace and physical tenor. When advised
by his Kulaguru, he visited and worshipped this Lord. He got what he
lost. And can be obtained if only proper approach is made.