the stewardship of Lord Maheswar and the presence the holy rivers,
the fame of this thirtha kshetra started spinning fast and covered
the entire Bharat. And finally became the most-coveted pilgrim
centre and the sure refuge for the distressed. At its heyday,
it acquired such reputation that it would liberate those who tread
on this holy land, or reside here, or have kinship with its
residents, or bow to this facing even from a distance; for, here
come all the devatas in their ethereal forms to worship the
Archamurthi regularly. Hence a belief gained currency that those who
offer pindas to the manes on taking bath the Gangadhara will gain as
much merit as they get when prayers are offered to Lord Viswanath
after bath in Manikarnika. In course of time this kshetra's mahatmya
adorned several pages of many scriptures, eulogising its sanctity
samam thirtham kshetram Simhadrivina
Narasimhasamo devo trailokyanasti nischayam".
exists no place in the three world that equals to Simhadri, a holy
pond to gangadhara and god to Narasimha.
such sanctified glory, this kshetra prospered beyond description and
earned an eternal reputation for lifting sarangathas; releasing the
distressed from the clutches of Nemisis and rejuvenating the
depressed from all cares gnawing at their vitals. All but for some
centuries only. Its glory faded, and forests grew so fast and thick
that they swallowed everything except the Archamurthi that lay
concealed in an insignificant bush.