For, it was the favorite abode of the divine adarsa dampathis
- Uma and Maheswar even before the installation of the idol of
Balakrishna in the Srikoil; it is this kshetra that fulfilled every
clause of the injunction for installation by Lord Krishna himself
before his final disappearance from the world; it is this self-same
kshetra sanctified by Brihaspati - preceptor of gods, and Vayu - God
of wind by their eternal presence after Vigraha Pratishtha; it is
here the far-famed Narayana Bhattathiri's magnum opus was composed;
it is here, Janemejaya was rid of leprosy; it is here a Pandyan King
succeeded to getting immunity from cobra bite; it is for this
temple, the Muslim King Tippu Sultan made enormous endowments; it is
for this shrine, the British Government accorded Sarvamanyam
exemption from payment of land revenue; it is in this temple ancient
traditions in their pristine purity are observed with scrupulous
attention to every detail, and it is this temple that has on its
roll, as it were, hundreds of celebrated beneficiaries of
international reputation in every field of human endeavor.
Innumerable are the instances of desperate devotees reaping
celestial bliss along with worldly success of spectacular magnitude
on becoming devotees; dwelling all over the world Millions of
miracles that occurred in the lives of devotees transformed this
small, yet superb sanctum into a supreme citadel of unfailing faith
in divinity.