of this sacred land has a fascinating back-ground - it owes its
origin to the irrepressible virtuous indignation of that indomitable
Sage Bhargavarama, who created it at the instance of victims of
Ratnakara - the Arabian sea. The legend says - once the sea advanced
all on a sudden and submerged the entire region called then by the
name of Jnanaranya - a favorite retreat of sages and saint-seers.
The afflicted approached Parasurama, absorbed then in performing a
great yagna to expiate the sin of stamping out Kshatria race. Moved
by their pathetic wails, he bade the Sea-god to retreat, lest he
would release Agneyastra. The terrified Sea-god meekly agreed to
recede to the extent of the land covered by his axe, when hurled
into the sea.