then about the people - the sons of that sacred soil? Strangely
enough, spectacular achievements themselves awaited their touch and
application; for, their tenacity is exemplary, enterprising ardor,
unexcelled, and intellectural brilliance superb. Above all, their
versatality, agility and luminosity are second to none but to
themselves. So is their mobility. Hence is their presence everywhere
and anywhere in some career or other in the four corners of the
world. Their integrity and sincerity adorned Bharatamata's diadem
with colourful diamonds.
winning of glittering feathers from the highest statesmen such as
Jawaharlal Nehru, whose tongue used to grow eloquent whenever he met
them. He honoured them fittingly with high posts and responsible
jobs. Here is his ejaculation, and note the tone of his appreciation
of both the land and its people. "I have left a bit of heart
here, because of beauty of the land and its beautiful people. I
shall come again". He went again and again and elevated them
both. Into such land we are entering and with such people we are
going to contact for mental elevation and physical exhilaration.
Say, for spiritual communion first and last. Allow me a minute then
to thank those responsible for enabling me to unlock this golden
chest for your benefit.