his magnetic touch, the land became sanctified, atmosphere
glorified, people spiritualized, and particularly rulers divinised
to the extent of dedicating their kingdoms to the Lord of Lords and
accepting the trusteeship as exemplified by the existence of
Padmanabhadasas in this sacred land.
the abodes of gods are modest in dimensions and sublime in exterior,
their interior is so divinising that it electrifies the true Bhaktas
without exception. The austerity and piety breaking through the
rituals observed and festivals conducted have become such a standard
specimen that the highly developed godmen poured out their souls in
ecstatic raptures when visited. Here is a gem of panergy coming from
no less a person than Gandhiji, the Father of Nation, testifying to
their glory and uniqueness. It begins - "I visited temples
before in North India, but had not done so in a devout spirit, and
they had failed to stir me. But the majestic Kerala temples spoke to
me. Every carving, every little image, every little oil-lamp had a
meaning for me". Undoubtedly all is due to the alchemy of
Bhargavarama. Hats off to this holy land for inheriting, imbibing
and implementing, and above all retaining those ennobling
traditions, although the western political thought has been making
the administrative machinery scrape its exterior a little bit now
and then.