origin of this glorious mokshapuri takes us to the Tretayuga, when that
indomitable Parasurama entered the arena of spirituality after wiping out
kshatria race and started visiting place after place of this sacred land,
wrested from the 'Sea-god for subjecting the peaceful munikulam to untold misery
by his atrocious action of submerging parnasalas etc. Wherever his sacred feet
touched the soil, there came up some shrine or the other for public benefit.
he imparted glory to the shrines by suffusing them with divinity, either through
installation of images, or prescribing rituals on codifying the existing ones,
or framing new ones. No sooner did he step on this Nandikeswara kshetra, there
developed in his mind an irresistible ambition to install a powerful Sivalinga
for the benefit of asthika community.