The Tekhinikadu with its thick foliage and
surrounding green verdure lifted his soul and intensified his longing for
immediate installation. So he sat in meditation and propitiated Lord Siva for
materialising his pious wish. He ardently prayed for Lord Siva's manifestation
alone here. When he opened his eyes, to his pleasant surprise, he found the
beautiful image of Lord Mahavishnu with four arms, holding Sankha, Chakra, Gada
and Tamara.
As his aspiration went awry, he again began meditation, but this time on opening
the eyes he found two images, one was that of Rama and the other Siva. Although
highly pleased at the sight of the! two, when prayed for one only he decided to
give his ambition another chance, so resumed meditation; but this time, to his
great shock and surprise found the image of Sankaranarayana, flanked by Rama on
one side and Siva on the other.