Kerala, the land of swaying palms and lacy lagoons; lush green vendure
and fabled Kathakali is the gift of that redoubtable Parasurama, the sixth
incarnation of Lord Srimannarayana. This celebrated son of that illustrious
Jamadagni, one of the brightest luminaries, adorning the Saptarishi Mandala
embodies several unique traits chart set him apart from the rest of incarnations
of the Lord Protector of the worlds.
There is a strange combination of intensely
formidable extremes in his mental make up and functional modes. He is at once
a ferocious man, ready for annihilation of injustice, and a solicitous person
stabilisation of theism. And restoration of tranquility All but fur public good and
Jagatkalyana. Contradictious did exist in him and set his life in motion. His
unexceptional tenacity that manifested in filial piety, retaliatory ferocity and
humane religiocity is second to none but to itself. No incarnated person can
stand comparison with him in these aspects. Extremes seem to he ever at war in
him and
whatever emerged turned out spectacular and exemplary fur
mankind. Look! When father hack him sever the head of his mother, down went
his most potent weapon - Parasu and off flew the head.