archamurthi is called by many names such as Vithoba, Panduranga, Vithal, Krishna
etc and each has its story. Vithoba means father of Vithala. Vithala is derived
from the Kannada word Vitta, standing for Krishna. It means also one who
receives for giving grace to those without (tha), knowledge (vit), by splitting
it into
three component parts like Vit + tha + la. Pandurang is the sanskritised
form of Pandarga, the old name of Pandarpur, reminiscent
of Pundalik, whose association made this kshetra Pundarika
pura. The image of this august panduranga is about three
and a half feet in height and is installed on a four foot high pedestal.
The image has two arms adorned with sankh in left hand and
lotus stem in the right hand but resting on the hips. It is beautified
with Kausthubhamala around the neck, Vastalanchan on the
chest, makarakundalas in the ears and a head-gear ornamented with
a Sivalinga in the middle. It is standing on a square block offered
to him by Pundalik as asana. It is exceedingly enchanting with
colourful garlands and the characteristic akimbo pose. A single
darsan elevates and it remains for ever, locked up in mind.