Father, by toil and sacrifice strives to make his progency, a proud
citizen of the motherland, who honestly works to throw a halo round her,
despite living on water of affliction and bread of sorrow. Does he merit to be
accorded inferior status, or honoured less? Neither of them deserves
derecognition by any one, in any point of time. Even consciously or
unconsciously. Whoever sees divinity in the parents and adores them fittingly,
he receives, adulation and his life too becomes worthy of emulation. Scriptures
affirm this gem of truth, and literature immortalizes it in all its genres.
Why, the Omniscient God besides sealing it with instant approval, hastens to
honour and reward that illustrious Dhruvatara and prefers to be at his beck and
call, deeming him greater in powers and possessing unexcelled excellences.
Nowhere in India this supreme truth is demonstrated and adored as it is in
Pandharpur, enshrining the image of one outstanding pithru sevaparayana whose
monumental devotion to parents made the Lord of Lords stand on a piece of brick,
offered as a seat to stand and wait till the routine services for the father
were over. And the image of that Highest in a characteristic posture is
installed in another temple to perpetuate the memory of His appreciation of the
filial piety of that diamond of a man, who proved service to parent was above
God. To all, at any time.