approach to spiritual matters is of a novel type. Guru, according to him, must
seek disciples, rather the disciples approaching him for initiation, guidance
and sustenance. Even if his beneficiary lives far off, he should be drawn to him
'like a sparrow with a string tied to its leg'. The modus operandi is odd. Baba
used to convey a cryptic message or advice to the prospective beneficiary in a
dream both for tiding over the problem, harassing; and a line of action to be
taken for the project to be launched. On crossing, naturally the beneficiaries
seek the benefactor for better rapport and great cohesion. The deserving were benefited
immensely with this sort approach. There lies his greatness and that
accounts for its unprecedented popularity. He bestowed on the seekers not only
health, wealth, power, position, prosperity and honour, but Brahma jnana too.
Instances are many.