The Mandirs Of   Maharastra
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Another facet that stunned the scholars, was his proficiency in the sastras and the vedic lore. Though he appeared an out and out illiterate - ignoramus fakir, as pandits would brand him, his interpretation of Sanskrit scriptures was astounding. Once be corrected Nana Sahib Chandrakar, a great scholar and gave the meaning of a particular sloka of Bhagavadgita by explaining the import of a word and its depth with his proper explication that stunned the listeners; It exemplifies his erudition in the classics. Learned people alone estimated his intellectual wealth, which was in no way inferior to his spiritual wealth. The pity is that it was not brought to lime light, perhaps due to lack of occasions demanding illumination. He was neither an acharya nor a dialectician, but his knowledge out stepped theirs.

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