godman proves to be the most powerful and occupies the pivolal position. Without
him, devotees neither exist, nor God could demonstrate His infinitude. He is as
indispensable as breath to the living and light to the moon. Ironical it may
appear, both are keeping the Omnipotent God at their beck and call; of the
two-godman is decidedly greater. Godmen own neither kingdoms, although king of
kings prostrate before them; currency, although by mere volition of hand they
could create jingling coins in trillion billion millions; palatial A.C. bungalows,
although owners of such keep them ever open for them; and vehicles, although all
means of transport rattle towards them. With mere soul power they gain hearts
than lands and immortalize them by filling them with immortal divinity. Yet,
they are simplicity personified; and spirituality in motion. Their possessions
comprise no more than a set of extra garments; a pair of wooden sandals, a water
can and a stave. With this as the worldly luggage, they run, as it were, a
regular transport from this world to the world above to taking the thousands of
devotees to heaven, their blissful home. The life of godmen is an epitome of
saintly simplicity, oriental sublimity and Arcadian humility.