priceless gift: the sweetest poem in black stone. and the first word in the
world of art and architecture, the Buddhist monks left to mankind as for back as
in 200 B.C. lies in this great Maharashtra state. A mere remembrance of Ajanta flashes
across the mental screen a series of cave wall paintings. renowned for elegant
execution, aesthetic appeal and superb crafts-manship that has been hypnotizing
the connoisseurs and laymen since its coming to light in the first quarter of
19th century, though the caves date back from 2nd century B.C. to 6th century.
A.D. The unity of their concept, combination of colours and sense of continuity
are beyond the powers of description, and they take the viewers by sprise.
There are 30
caves in total, and are adorned with unique paintings and superb sculpture. The
wall panels unfold the life and teaching of Bhagawan Buddha, as exemplified by
the young prince surrounded by comely young women, amidst enchanting eye -
filling settings. Embodying a wide variety of relics, like chaityas, viharas,
assembly halls, they recreate vividly the spirit of the time, and grandeur of
life led by royalty, and commonalty as well. The cave Nos.l6 and 17 exhibit a
masterly continuity of narration through exquisite panels, running from top to
bottom and side to side. They mirror the superb artistry of the Buddhist monks.
The legends depicted drive home eternal truths, besides feasting the eyes by magnificence
of colour and beauty.