preparations for conducting an elaborate ritualistic worship with
yagna were made. With the performance of powerful 'anusthan yagna',
he brought heavy down pour on the very same day of the completion of
it. A boon to waterless land. And a clean flush out of the
contagion. Opening the eyes, Lodi lifted the ban. The temple was
then reopened and many parts were reconstructed, and prayers
regularised. Does not God know when to take action and how? Will the
omni compassionate God ever forget his bhaktas? No, never so far,
Later Aurangazeb, the zealot turned blind to history and damaged all
the places held sacred. He suffered but in a different way. Efforts
at restoration bore fruits in 1783 with the construction of a grand
temple by Rani Ahalyabai, a great Rajput lady of immense
spirituality. Her bounty is now enabling the bhaktakoti to avail the
darsan of the Lord and offering of personal prayers, a rare boon to
the theists.
mandir is also called the Golden Temple; for the spires - sikharas
are adorned with gold plates, donated by Maharaja. Ranjit Singh in
1835. Let the rationalists, agnostics and sceptics too enter and
feast their eyes with Lord Viswanath's adorable form and learn for
themselves the infinity of the Lord. But they will never. It proves
an exercise in futility, since their perverted
interior crossed the bounds of logic or sage counsel. Their
progressive outlook recognises not the historical evidence; for,
they, occupy the highest place among honourables.