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Temples Of India


The Sultan then went to Morgaon to verify the temple. To his surprise, he found here on the same site a beautiful darga and a grand mosque. Pleased with it, he largely endowed it with cash and departed. Before he turned his back, again Ganesh was found holding his Durbar on a scale greater than the Sultan's, and was narrating all that happened to the audience assembled then. But the truth is that the mosque can become mandir, and vice versa if that great Divinity enters the arena.

No bounds to the powers of that august divinity! Later, the Sabhamantap was added by Karunwadkar, beautiful aisles by Sardar Muzumdar, and the arched gateway with drum house atop by Amrit Rao, the son of Peshwa BajiraoII. And many architectural decorations were made from time to time by philanthropists and the liberated victims of misfortunes. The Peshwas being ardent Ganeshopasakas, made renovations to the principal temple. By draining their treasure often. So its grandeur has been going higher with the passage of time.


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