The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
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When worrying about it, he was advised by a pandit - theist to send his elephant to Nanjangud for spiritual cure, explaining that a bath in Kapila and prayer at the temple of Srikanteswar would certainly bring back sight to the elephant; for, they are too sacred and effect sure cure. As he was an enlightened ruler with immense faith in God and respect for other religions, he sent the elephant and made arrangements for its regular bath and due prayer services to the Lord as prescribed in the scriptures. 

And a miracle of miracles occurred that cemented the faith of Muslims in Nanjundeswara. After 48 days of bath and prayers with archana, abhishekha etc., the royal pachyderm returned home with full sight to the jubilication of all the court and zenana. It was a gala day and the general rejoicing reverberated the palace halls in addition to prayers to gods along with many presents to the archamurti.


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