The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
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Temples Of India


He recognised the divinity of Kapila river and compassion of Lord Siva. His illustrious son sent later a silver cup set with five kinds of precious stones at the bottom as his appreciation and a mark of adoration. And his reign is another superb period that raised the splendour of the kingdom.

Both these are preserved and used, and are shown to the devotees, if requested on their visit. So hoary spiritual literature neither boosted the glory of the Lord sans basis, nor resorted to advertising tactics with ulterior motive. Lord Nanjundeswar out of infinite mercy showers boons and lifts the true devotees always. The words impartially and unfailingly deserve to be affixed when remembered His august benevolent auspicious name. That is how the theists react on listening or reading. but the hard-core agnostics labeling it as bunkum brush it aside. As they are highly learned and greatly advanced it is better to keep ourselves at safe distance, lest our piety gets tainted by their Mida's touch.


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