The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
Major Sections
Temples Of India


With the completion of one hundred poems - sathakam, there descended, it is recorded - swarms of honey bees and encroached the attacking army with such ferocity and poignancy that the armed soldiers could do nothing, but running helter skelter. They could neither raise their arms, nor could bear the poisonous sting. Moreover, their buzzling sound deafened them and the overlying the entire space blinded their vision. Owe-struck generals along with sense-lost soldiers did nothing except taking to heels, where? Anywhere as directed by the shivering legs and sense-lost brains. And it is also reported that, the chasing divine winged army followed them till they reached the Thummeda mettu and watched till they went out of horizon. Then? Any need for elaboration. They too vanished into the limitless space from which they emerged. With the reaching of this stunning news, the inner bolts of the temple doors automatically unlatched. The poets hailed Narasimha's glory in such rapturous esctacy that it reached Vaikuntavasi's mandir, before He resuming His seat in his usual form, as a matter of fact.

This is the literary account of a historic fact. None can rebut the fact of Moghul army's retreat from the attack. If this astounding miracle opens the eves of ever grumbling atheists, it is for their own good. But it does not alter, or reform them; for, they are highly progressive honourable elite of the modem world.


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