historic event took place in Tiruvannamalai, not very long ago. Its
authencity may not be gleamed from Government records, but the
principal actor is a responsible Government employee holding the
office of district Collector. The other chief actor deemed the
protagonist, is a spiritual luminary, whose soothing abhayahasta
lifted several victims caught in the maze of their own doing, or the
result of Prarabdha karma. The miracles he produced are many, and
the Collector cited was drawn into his magnetic aura and received
pranadana under circumstances awesome which eventually registered
the spiritual powers of miracle-makers.
us begin with the entry of the Collector into the famous
Arunachaleswar Tirukkoil, which has a very long legend enriched by
the august Trimurthis and their foibles that left indelible marks
here. Further, for enshrining Tejolinga, one of the
Panchabhutalingas, this kshetra has turned into a renowned
yatrasthala of global importance.