The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
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Temples Of India


Once when the Collector, was riding fast to Tiruvannamalai for the car festival, he was obstructed by heavy floods in the river Pennar. Unmindful of the danger, he rode his horse with implicit faith in God and chanting his Guru's name. Desikar received the telepathic message and stretched his hand to the South and lowered it a little. And lo! it lifted the sinking collector and brought him to his asram, some miles off. 

The collector meeting him explained all that happened during his trip. And said then, but for Desikar, he would not have been alive to tell the miracle or acknowledge his debt. There are many more such miracles produced by the soul powers of the worshippers of Lord Siva, whose munificence emancipated millions of adorers. This august Arunachal has a passion for pure devotion and so, no supplicant ever grumbled of disappointment, when prayed soulfully. Nor reached the sannidhi with the self-same complaint. These are unpalatable to the agnostics and dismiss them as bunkum; for, they are high intellectuals and greatly honourable among the honourable.

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