He employed
twelve hundred artisans, who laboured for sixteen long years to complete and
give it the present shape. It is estimated that two hundred crores, the entire
revenue of the state collected over twelve years was diverted to making it a
superb piece of art and a place of worship, matchless in conception, peerless in
execution and timeless in reputation. It has immortalized his ambition of
commemorating his victory over certain parts of Bengal and proudly
celebrated absolute and uninterrupted freedom from Muslim domination of his
country. As pointed out by the historians it is more splendid than that one
built by his grand father at Puri. And lo! more ornamental rather monumental
than that of Tanjore, and deemed a marvel of all times. This regally grandiose
monument is dedicated to the Sun God ,the lokab handu-pratyaksha daivam,
visible to all eyes, adorable with hearts hands and souls.