The Temples Of North-East India
Major Sections
Temples Of India

The Unique Seat of Sun-God

Nay, its fall started, according to certain versions, immediately after installing the Kalasa atop the pyramidal roof. It is reported that certain columns of that great structure crumbled due to the excessive weight of the massive slabs, forming the roof without adequate strong support from below. Any way, the ruthlessness of the Muslim invader caused irrevocably irreparable damage to that superb art. Touched at its plight, Narasinga Dev, the king of Khurda did invaluable service to the theists by removing the' deity of Sun god along with the Anur pillar to Puri in 1638 ands installing them in the temple. They are being worshipped with great fervour. Consoling the grief-stricken sight-seeing enthusiasts thus, the guide takes them to other numerous places of interest, lying in the vicinity of this mediaeval monument of remarkable craftsmanship.

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