This begins with the emerging of Amrit Bhand from the
churned by both suras and asuras. As soon as he sighted it, he took and ran away
for distribution among gods only. Seeing it asuras gave a chase. In the heat of
chase, the Kumbha got tilted and a few drops fell at four places. Prayaga is one
of them , and since then it has become a craze for every man to pay a visit and
bathe at this sacred place. A dip in the Sangam ,especially during the month of
Magha confers great merit and it is coveted even by the celestials too. This
bath, if taken with due rituals on the day, when the Sun enters into Capricorn
confers beatitude. Besides, bath in Triveni becomes very efficacious, if taken
on Ratasaptami, Makara Sankranti, new-moon and full-moon days. Once in twelve
years, Kumbha Mela India's biggest bathing festival and Magha Mela, a month-long
annual festival are celebrated with such religious fervour that it attracts,
lakhs of people. Theists of every denomination lustily participate. and during
then the Parliament of Religions is conducted in a grand manner.