more I wish to add at this stage. This edition is revised and augmented as
solicited by many. More than 8 temples are added, if not done elaborately, their
essentials are included. Above all, many irksome errors are eliminated; wrapper
colour altered, paper quality maintained... All done at no extra cost. So please
welcome, peruse and pass on to those who desire to read but no ...Mind you it is
a service to God, the Maker and the made too.
closing, I offer my prostrations to the Omnipotent MOTHER Adiparasakti, for
hastening me to the press again and to the Supreme Lord Balaji, whose grace is
still lingering and guiding me as pole star through the maze of ordeals
promising to release the first of the rive of another series- The Shrines Superb
Series, shortly, I remain,