The several kinds of delicious dishes made for the wedding patty
were then thrown on the shores and they turned into colourful sands. This
accounts for the multicolored pebbles and soft, velvety sand found in abundance on, the shore
even today. On deciding to remain celibate, Kumari took rosary again for medication at once.
But Banasura bitten by lust, when heard about her unparalleled beauty approached the Virgin with his
marriage proposal. Enraged at his audacity, she flew into uncontrollable anger and
sent him out unceremoniously. The debased demon asserted and tried to win her by force.
When he ran towards her with his drawn sword, the Virgin Goddess unsheathed her
potent sword. Then ensued a dreadful battle.
In the end, the asuradharma fell down dead with
the Chakrayudha hurled at him by the Virgin. The grateful devas with Bhumata expressed
their soulful gratitude to Parasakthi for having released them from the clutches of
the remorseless danava. After the Lokodharma, Parasakthi resumed her penance in the self- same form
of Virgin as she descended to the earth Hence the darsan of the Virgin with rosary in her right hand in
the same place.