The visitors carry with them indelible impressions to treasure up
in their minds to be cherished for ever and ever and ever. The entire complex is surrounded by a sturdy
high prakara with four gigantic nine-storied towers on four sides. It is about
254 metres is length and 214 meters in breadth. Of the four, South is the tallest and stands
majestic, rising to a height of 160 feet with parabolic curves at the sides.
It was the gift of Sevanth Chettiar, built in the 16th Century.
Its sculptural adornments are of high order. The North tower is called Mottai, and others - East and
West are equally grand and rich in sculptural excellences. Besides these there are smaller ones built
over both entrances and garblia grihas of main shrines, adding gra4e and charm to the entire city.