him brooding over and helpless, his second wife Sallama Devi
approaching him asked his permission to go to the Sanyasi. The
virtuous king nodded. While in the bed room, the Sanyasi pretended
sleeping, and when the Queen touched him, he changed himself into a
child. She gave the child to the king and reported .all that
happened. And lo! before the close of narration, the child vanished
into air. To the sorrowing couple, Lord Siva recounted all and said
that he would perform his funeral obsequies. And disappeared.
cup of joy of the ideal couple overflowed. When he left this world,
Lord Siva did obsequies as promised. And this ritual is still
observed every year on the Magha Nakshatrm day in the month of Masi,
when the image of Arunachaleswar is taken of Pallikondapattu with
great devotional
fervour. Ah! what a compassion! How fortunate was the King! Lord
Maheswar is Bhaktavasankar unparalleled in any place or at any time.