The holy shrine
adorned with gigantic, stately towers, lofty prakaras with strong rampart
walls, magnificent huge mandapas, beautified by matchless sculptural marvels
and architectural grandeur, containing numerous shrines for every adorable
deity of Hindu Pantheon, covering a very vast area of 25 acres, speaks
volumes of the glory of temple and omni benevolence of Bhaktavasankar, the
presiding deity.
It is here
Lord Maheswar chastised Brahma for lying to him in connection with finding the
top of the blazing column - his manifestation; it is here he is remaining in
the form of Hill and appearing as Jyoti every year on Karthika Pournami; it is
at this place he shared half of his body to Parvathi; it is here the celebrated
Manikavachagar composed Tiruvernbavai; it is here the world famous Bhagawan
Ramana Maharshi immortalised the Lord's glory in 108 verses in ecstatic
rhapsody; it is here Daivasikamani Desikar demonstrated his yogic powers to
bringing back to life the dead horse of a certain Chola King; it is here Isanya
Gnana Desikar enabled a European Collector, crossing the flooded river with his
spiritual powers; it is here Guhai Namasivayar and Guru Namasivayar wrote
Arunagiri Anthathi and Annamalai Venba; in praise of this Lord, Siva Prakasa
Swamigal composed Sonasaila Malai; it is here Ellappa Navalar authored the
Arunachala puranam; it is with the grace of this deity Vallala Maharaja had the
unique honour of his funeral obsequies performed by Lord Siva himself; and it
is here several Swamigal attained Siddhi. The miracles of the Lord Siva thus
roll into legions and display his unbounded love for bhaktas.