Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India

Padukesh War - Yogadyan Badri Temple

Basically the number FIVE is exceedingly auspicious and infinitely propitious for everything, either divine or human. Realizing its immense potentialities, the saint-seers caused five temples for the same deity built at different places. Hence the existence of Pancha Dwarakas, Pancha Badris. Pancha Kesavaalayas, Panchaaramas, Pancha 1Kuntimadhavaalayas etc. Pilgrims to Badarinath have the opportunity of visiting the Pancha Badris during their journey upward or downward; but the guides due to ignorance, or wilful negligence lead them not to this holy places. Some orthodox theists do visit all these five sublime small shrines and partake the merit conferred by the All-merciful Badarinath seen at these five places.

Of the five Badris, two - Bridnath or old Badri; Bhavishya Badri future one, are lying near Joshimath; the third one called Adi Badri at Karna Prayag; the fourth at Padukeshwar, and of course the main and popular one is Badarinath itself. All are enshrining the icons of Badarinath, but the size and splendour of the mandir varies; and performance of rituals and conducting of festivals are the same.

At Padukeshwar Badri, the presiding deity goes by the name of Yogadhyan Badri. The place, incidentally has unearthed ancient metal foils that are quite useful in fixing the reign and names of kings, who.ruled over this region, some 1500 years back. They are now kept at Joshimath. The priests of Padukeshwar Badri spend the winter at Joshimath along with their colleagues employed in the main Badarinath temple. Due to inadequate publicity, the glory of these four ancient Vaishnava kshetras are not visited regularly or with as much zeal as to the main temple.

It is a small village, accessible by bus plying from Badarinath or to it.


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