- Sri Rama Ambalam
The uniqueness and holiness of Triprayar
Rama temple arises from the very august balikal
along with the archamurti found and enshrined
by Vakkaimal - a local chieftain of inimitable
dedication. According to the legend, the devout
Kaimal was informed by certain mysterious
persons that there lay washed ashore four
sacrosanct idols of Sri Mahavishnu and he must
undertake the responsibility of installing them at
four holy places, befitting their stature, lusture,
gesture etc. with Vedic injunctions. All was in a
dream. Waking up at once, he went to
sea-shore with his men and found to his
inexplicable delight, four beautifully sculptured
replicas of Sri Mahavishnu adorned with four
hands, but with different facial expressions.
Being a devotee of rare type, he made
immediate consultations with the panditsof
agamas and installed one at Irinjalkunda in a
temple built, nanung the deity as Bharata,
befitting the facial expression peculiar to that
statue. 'flier his search for other suitable places
ended with selection of Tripruyar for Sri Rama,
Moozhikulam for Iakshmana and Payemmal for
Satrughna. His cup of joy spilled at those four
places and they later became famous temples
of eternal religious importance.
The installation of Rama's image at Triprayar
has an awe- some background and it heightens
the glory of the Lord to unprecedented level,
and endowed the idol and temple with heavenly
sanctity. During his consultation with the
learned agama pandits for the installation of
Rama's statue, a mystery surfaced all on a
sudden-an audible but invisible voice directed
Kaimal and the men in the assembly
deliberating over the place, that they had to
install it at the exact spot below a peacock seen
flying just at the auspicious moment fixed.
Considering the injunction as heaven-sent,
preparations for pratishta went on war-footing,
and they all assembled on the Subhaghatika
looking up for the peacock to appear. But it did
not appear. As the sands were running out, the
anxiety of the people went up skywards, but the
sky with its changing patterns, perhaps, did not
offer any solution. Just then there appeared a
devotee holding a bunch of peacock feathers in
his hands. Deeming it an auspicious time, the
concerned persons hastened to complete the
pratishta ritual at the moment fixed. The work
began. A few seconds later, fortunately at the
propitious time, according to right calculations,
the bird did appear just right above the present
balikal. The pundits installed the balikal and it
gained much importance as the icon. Is it not
appropriate then that the balikal must receive all
the ceremonies and prayers? Hence the balikal
gained as much importance as the icon and is
being worshipped with equal fervor by the
visiting public. And what is more, the balikal
fixed thus started revolving round of its own
accord. So deemed exceedingly holy and
attributing it io divine power, people worshipped
it with awe and admiration till Naranthu
Bhaiathan's visit to the temple. Being a Siddha
of great mystic powers, surprised at this rare
phenomenon, he found out from the yogic
powers the reason for such rotation. If allowed,
he inferred, it would undo the glory and mar
further growth. So, he stopped it forthwith. In
order to prevent the decline in the power of the
idol due to this,he installed two goddesses -
Sridevi and Bhudevi on each side of the
presiding deity. Naturally, the influx of visitors
grew as its fame spread far and wide due to
addition of two goddessess on either side of the
The Temple
This famous temple, thus come into existence is
one of the most attractive temples of Kerala. Its
architectural marvels and mystical powers have
succeeded in attracting devotees throughout
the year. The Srikoil is circular in shape and
with its indispensable conical roof adorning with
stupi, it casts great charm on the visitors. In the
mandapa called Namaskara mandapa, the
artistry of sculptors strikes the eye and drives
home several murals through the episodes
efficiently sculptured. It has 24 panels. The
mural paintings too are a class in themselves.
The sculptured figures with their grace and
excellences serve a feast to the art-critics.
Leaving the garbhagriha after prayers, the
devotees go straight to the Sasta shrine lying in
the southern side of the courtyard. There is a
belief current here that this temple was
dedicated to Ayyappa prior to the consecration
of Sri Rama's idol. As his seat was given to Sri
Rama, he moved to the present southern place,
just as Edathedathu Kavu Bhagawati moved to
the northern side at Guruvayur temple after the
advent of Guruvayurappan.
Mulavirat And His Speciality
Sri Rama, the presiding deity of the shrine, is a
replica of the Chaturbhuja Mahavishnu with
sankhu and chakra in his upper two hands and
kodanda and rosary in the other hands. The
garbhagriha has certain oddities that set it apart
from the rest of shrines for Sri Rama. 'There is
an image of Dhakshinamurti facing the south, a
common feature in Siva temples alone.
Moreover, the oil lamp hung behind is kept
burning round the clock, signifying that the
Mulavirat is bearing the aspect of Lord Siva
also. According to the opinion prevalent, Sri
Rama got the aspect of Lord Siva at the death
of Khara in the war. The Mala which is held in
the right hand fortifies another belief that the
archamurti represents the aspect of Brahma.
From the symbols it can be deduced that the
deity is possessing all the aspects of Trimurti -
Brahma, Vishnu. and Siva. This uniqueness
indeed has become instrumental in drawing
Saiva and Vaishnava bhaktas in large numbers.
There is a mini-shrine for Ganapathi opposite
the garbhagriha. As the image is just opposite
the Mulavirat like the amount of the Lord,
devotees while praying remember Hanuman,
though there is no visible idol for him. The
offering of Kandis is very common here, and it
commemorates the return of Hanuman after
finding out Mother Sita in Ashoka Vana in
Lanka. As the image of the mulvirat was
installed Borne centuries back, it is worn off
considerably, so panchaloha Kavacha is made
and it adorns the Lord now. The image adorned
with Srivasta mark on the chest, beautified by
several dazzling necklaces around the neck
along with colourful garlands look extremely
enchanting, and its smiling sublime
countenance mesmerizes the devotees. If once
a visit is made to avail that enchanting damn, its
rapturous thrill exercises such grip, that it never
reaches the point of satiety. That is the glory of
Sri Rama - the Trimunhyatmaka swarupa, a
rarity not found anywhere.
This Lord has a particular fascination for the
Kootu Vazhipad offering of pantomime. In the
bygone past, Prabandha Koottu was a regular
common offering, and every visitor deeming it a
proud privilege was offering it to the deity. The
deity seeing it unseen enjoyed to his heart's
It lies 20 km off Guruvayur in Kerala, accessible
by four wheelers from Guruvayur.