Close your eyes. Turn the search light, focus it on the, mental screen. Open the inner eye. Widen the pupil slowly steadily
Now watch! Consistent persistence must go on. Continue. Perseverance be your watch word. Simultaneously alert your
ear". And listen; keep up endurance, unremitting. Mind you, no effort bloom, forth instantly. Patience pays. Wait with baited
breath. Your tip-toe expectation starts bearing fruit first with audio effects... Hark! sound waves are reaching the
tympanums... slowly. Now you observe the lower part of the screen glimmering and glistering... rising by degrees gleam. into
your sight a dazzling diamond studded crown emitting effulgence equal tee that of the mid-day Sun. Steady your eye - ball;
for, blinking distorts vision. 'that blindening brilliance certainly affects eyes at once, but bear with it... proceed. The divine
sight of Bhagawan's cosmic form cannot be viewed with mortal eyes. Pray for Lord's instant grant of
antarchakshu1 .
Behold with that inner eye! He is revealing His Viswarupa 2, fraction by fraction to your esectalic awe - some gratification.
Look! beneath the crown there appears the all - compasionate sarva subaprada
3, nithya mangalas 4 ,madhura darahasa
vikasita 5, Jaganmohana soundarya vadana
6 of that All -
mokshapradayaka8, sristi stithi laya
karaka 9, andapinda brahmanda nayaka
10, asrita rakshaka 11, avyayaananta sakti samupeta
12, adimadhyantharahita 13,
asardrisa varnanatita sundararupa 14 Sri Mahavishnu, the Protector of the World's above and here below. Behold that
Absolute Almighty Providence flashing Karuna kataksha vikshana 15, from His broad fully bloomed lotus eyes, lighted up by
the sundara, surichira darahasa vichika 16, emanating from the coral lips. Stop not with it, not - turn oblivious. Notice His
unbounded, incomprehensible Viwavyapitat 17, Viratarupa outspreading the worlds with millions of arms, eyes, ears, legs,
mouths, stomachs, teeth etc., encircled by a mass of splendour, akin to the blazing fire, Surpassing the dazzling light of
sahasra kotisuryas 18 and holding in His might hands Sudarsan
19, Koumodaka 20, Panchajanya
21, and Navavikasita
Padma , with Sun and Moon as His eyes, illumining the cosmos; face resembling the bright sacrificial fire, broad chest and
long neck adorned with sparkling divyaabharanas23 and parimala nanavidha pushpamalas
24 of unparalleled fragrance.
Look to its right, left, up and down. Horrible! Unbearable!! Abominable!!! Revolting visages with torrifying shapes; appealing
sues; horrendous features, hideous gestures and abhorrent dimensions greeting your eyes petrify you. Screw up your