Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India
Observe! trillions of millions of unaccountable awful forms with alarming sizes in multifarious colours and astounding contours sticking on firmly to both sides of His captivating head - their barrel shaped noses inhaling the gales rising from whirlwinds; blood - shot grotesque looking eyes raining sparks; hanging tongues dripping blood and dreadful wide mouths issuing tongues of flame, interspersed with growling, gurgling; together with making grinding sounds, abetting the crashing voices and ear - splitting sounds, confounding the din and bustle to heightening the surrounding resonant reverberation. Look at His face again! Don't you notice His mouth opening and widening, and slowly transforming itself into a huge cavern into which an infinite number of billions of horrible and revolting sinful forms of the demonic people racing with one another, as it were to reach the bottom of His stomach. And lo! peep now intently into the inside of the Bhagawan! Into that widest opening are rushing impetuously river floods and joining the turbulent oceans. All the inert, quiescent, immovable of the universes, holding in their diverse infinite zones, the entire species of animals and birds moving about non - challantly; and ruthless egoistic expansionists holding in their hands sparkling swords, taughtly drawn out bows, and trillions and billions of commoners in their infinite grades and denominations engaged in work. Behold! the heavens with gods in their rank and file with Highest divinities, like Maheswar, Brahma etc., joining the Maharshis chanting hymns and uttering intermittantly Hail, Hail, Hail unto Thee, as the swargavasis 25 such as Rudras, Vasus, Siddhas, Sadhyas, Adhityas, Vishvas, Aswins, Maruts, Ushampas, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Asuras etc., beholding that greatest Bhagawan with harshardra visala 26 netras and amplifying the raising crescendo of Jai Srimannarayan Jai Jai with full throated voice umpteen times along with the Navagrahas, Ashtadikpalakas, Saptamatrukas, and Millions of mighty, hefty righteous people prostrating all around Him. Sure such unique sight petrify you, but having offered obeisance to that Lord of Lords, you can stand further to see the entire space of the whole cosmos occupied by Him leaving not an atom vacuum. Do you hesitate than hailing Him sarvasristivyapita sarvantaryami 27  sarvavasakti samsobhita sarvavignanasampujata 29 and sarvasampurna karunaika sindhu30.


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