Would language confine that adbhutaatiasya Viswarupa 31
of that VIRATA Purusha's
32 immeasureably peerless form to any of its trillionth atom
of His Varnateetha Saumyasundarya? 34. Would the scientific
instruments guage His aloukika Vaibhavasakti. 34 Would divya drishti
of the tapodhanas 36 catch that unexcelled excellences of His
apratihata akhanasaki? in its entirely? Is it not befitting then
extending absolute, unqualified, mute acceptance of His
invincible, inexhaustable Power as the only Saviour, and the instant right action to
reaching Sannidhi 37 for eternal beatitude?
Would mere unconditional, muffled vocal expression, or devout prostrations
numberless, or penitent circumambulations round the cosmos umpteem times serve
the purpose, or make the existence meaningful? No ! certainly not!! It is through
realisation of His All-mightiness in totality course, atom by atom and
endeavouring to seek means to purging away the stained, damned, dirty hair
enveloping the mind is the only thing awaiting your action and that alone enables
you lead a life, live-worthy existence blissful. Towards that, our saint-seers have
envisaged in perfect unambiguous terms and definite diction, an indispensable,
error-free procedure to reaching the lotus feet of the lord for endless joy perpetual
peace. The Vedas, Upanishads and particularly Puranas, envisaging His unlimited,
abundant, inexhaustible mahasakti,38
have illustrated through concrete examples,
the tight path to be sought by ardent seekers of mukti. Hark! They enshrine
numerous ways comprehending the transcendantal glory of the lord and multidimensional splendour of His position; for, the sole purpose of
lifting saranagathas39
and investing them with inexplicable powers that makes Him serve
you in the role of ever vigilant sentinel. or undertake stupendous task at the cost
of His comfort and total effacement. So the proper beginning should
be the awareness of the means to obtain His anugarh
40, first.
Hoary treatises laid down nine specific ways to obtain His
Sakshatkara.. Let us first thrown a cursory glance at them atleast,
before taking up the right course of action study the next
section for full illumination.