Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India

Kathmandu - Sri Balaji Shrine

Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, the repository of Nepalese culture and rallying point of every facet of its own distinct life - both ancient and modern reflects the tremendous impact of Hinduism and the astounding capacity of its power of assimilation of other cultures, however divergent or distinct they may be in content or spirit. As it is the principal city, pulsating with cultural, commercial, political and spiritual life in its multifarious dimensions, it stands as a replica of its past glory and present progress. Of the superb structures, the temples - the important land marks top the list and strike the eyes first, and fill the souls next with sanctity by their gigantic shapes, artistic adornments, unusual dimensions, and hoary traditions. They incidentally mirror the Nepalese religio-Social life and their spectacular achievements made over years, taking nourishment from its parent Hindu religion. The very names of shrines, like Swayambhunath, Bodhnath, Pasupathinath etc, or the names of presiding deities make the hearers feel that they are moving about in a big Indian city studded with shrines, dedicated to several gods of the Hindu pantheon, in Spite of the fact of seeing huge Bouddha stupas and Chaityas at many places. Does this not register the inestimable influence, Hinduism has on Nepalese life ? They arc Hindus first and last, in spirit and character despite living away from Hindu India. Take for example the name of the capital - Kathmandu and examine it, origin. It is the vernacular version of Kashta Mandap, the original Sanskrit word. Kathmand in ancient times was called Kantipur meaning thereby, a temple of Wood. Once there was built a huge temple with a Dharmasala, out of the wood of a single tree. Sounds incredible, isn't it? Some may even construe it as a figment of imagination too. But none as such did enter the arena, or operate here. It has a fantastic story, and in all probability, it is an acceptable tact too.

There located amidst the springs of garden, at the foot of a small wooded hill, a beautiful little pond surrounded by green shrubs and flowery bushes. There is an another artificial pond inside with fountains all around whore the image on Ananta Narayan lies with a hood of the great serpent over his head. And popular as Balaji in this part. It is a unique image in lying posture splendid in every part. The craftsmanship of the sculptors indeed superb. And according to tradition, it was found by a farmer while ploughing the land. Its enchantment and rarity drew appreciation of the local people and they started worshipping it with infinite devotion. Would not the recumbent posture of Vishnu image couched on the bed of Cobras cast enchantments on the theists? Though partly submerged in the pond, its attraction is great. Hence visitation by all.

It lies towards the south of the capital Khatmandu, accessible by four wheelers.


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