Vedantic Tales
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Vedantic Tales : I Carry

Prema drew a circle in the dust with her toe, contemplating the design. Perhaps, she said timidly, the Lord loves His devotees enough to carry things to them.

Niranjan made an impatient sound with his tongue. You do not understand these things, he said. The difference between carry and give is a subtle one, but important. Let me explain. Certainly, the Lord loves His devotees. It is through His grace that all things are possible. That is to say, He creates the circumstances whereby His servants may realize their desires. Everything comes to pass through His will. Did I not perform a puja last year for Balaram that the Lord might be gracious and grant his wish for a male child?

Prema's face lit up. And what a beautiful boy the Lord brought! Do you know, he laughs from morning till night and his skin is as golden as ...

Niranjan raised his hand. Yes, yes, he said, but the point I am trying to make is that the Lord gave the child to Balaram, He did not carry the child in His arms to him. Do you imagine that the Lord of the universe, the Supreme One, could so demean Himself? Does a maharaja carry the objects of his people's petitions to them? Certainly not! He grants the petitions. He sets in motion the powers that will make it possible for his subjects to have what they desire if he sees fit. Niranjan quoted a long Sanskrit verse from the scriptures to substantiate his argument. It was a recitation lost upon his wife, for she understood not a word.


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I carry
I Carry
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