Vedantic Tales
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Vedantic Tales : I Carry

Your rice is growing cold, she said. And then, so that he would not feel offended, she added, Please explain more to me. Would not a very gracious king carry gifts to his subjects himself if he were pleased with their loyalty? Have there not been rajas who distributed their own treasure to the poor? And did not the Lord Krishna Himself bestow a palace upon Vidura?

Before he answered, Niranjan closed the manuscript, entered the house. and offered his rice to the Lord with folded hands, then deftly rolling a bit of it between his fingers, he popped the ball into his mouth.

A king, he said patiently; presides over the giving of gifts. He does not personally carry them from door to door. What an idea! As for Sri Krishna, the word you used was most correct: bestow. He bestowed the palace, for He was pleased with the devotion of Vidura. Did He carry the palace on His back? It is not necessary for the Lord to carry things. His power is so great that He need merely will and all is accomplished. Indeed, the example you give is a very good case in point. Niranjan finished his bowl of rice and rinsed his hands in the water that Prema poured for him. Then he folded his arms. Let me give you another example. The sun does not come down from the sky to enliven the earth, tending personally to each individual blade of grass. But by its light it makes the whole earth flourish. Can you not understand the difference?


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I Carry
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