Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
Strive always to keep the eyes pure, the ears closed against blame, the tongue engaged in good speech. If you are thus careful, you will draw a good prize at the time of death. We will become the masters of life and death.

13. To create such good samskara let noble thoughts course through the mind. Let the hands be busy doing deeds of goodness. Thoughts of God within, and the performance of svadharma, without the hands performing the karma of service and in the mind, vikarma, the special action of the mind - these should go on constantly. Look at Gandhiji. He spins on the charkha every day. He insists on our doing so too. But why spin every day? Is it not enough if we spin now and then for the cloth we need? But then, this would only be a worldly or secular activity. Spinning daily is spiritual; it indicates an inner desire to do what we can for our country. The thread we spin binds us day by day with Daridranarayan (God in the form of the poor). It strengthens the good association, the samskara.

14. The doctor prescribes a medicine to be taken daily by us. But what if we drank it up all at once? It would be too much of a good thing; anyhow, the purpose will not be fulfilled. By the continuous good effect of a course of medicine, the faults in nature should be set right. The same holds good of life. We perform abhisheka (ceremonial bathing) of Siva in a thin continuous stream.

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