Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
War day and night

15. All this means that when the outward performance of svadharma and the purificatory interior action of remembering God go on together, which the stream of karma without and vikarma within flows continuously, death will be a bringer of joy. That is why the Lord says:

"Remember me at all times and fight."
"Tasmaat sarveshu kaleshu maamanusmara yuddhya cha."

"Steep yourself in Him always." Be forever absorbed in Him. When love for the Lord pervades you within and without, and fills the whole of your life, only then will you find a constant joy in holy things. Then evil tendencies will not appear before you. Beautiful and noble desires sprout in the heart : good deeds come naturally.

16. It is true that, when one always remembers the Lord, good deeds come naturally to one; but the Lord also commands, "Be fighting all the time."

Tukaram says :-

"Night and day, within and without, in the heart and in the world, we are at war."

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About Achieving The Goal - The Yoga Of Constancy
Developing Good Samskaras....Pg1
Developing Good Samskaras....Pg2
Developing Good Samskaras....Pg3
Remember the moment Of Death....Pg1
Remember the moment Of Death....Pg2
Remember the moment Of Death....Pg3
Remember the moment Of Death....Pg4
Remember the moment Of Death....Pg5
Be forever steeped In It.Pg1
Be forever steeped In It.Pg2
Be forever steeped In It.Pg3
War day and night.Pg1
War day and night.Pg2
The bright and dark Paths.Pg1
The bright and dark Paths.Pg2