Who qualifies - the Pure of Heart
16. The introduction, which tells us about Arjuna's stand, has helped us
greatly in understanding the rest of the
Gita. We should, of course, feel grateful for this. But it helps us in
another way too. In this introducing Arjuna, the Gita reveals to us the
innocence and straightforwardness of his mind. The word "Arjuna" itself
means one who is candid, straight and simple by nature. He opened out his heart and laid bare before
the Lord all that he felt and thought. He kept nothing hidden and, in the
end, he surrendered himself to Sri Krishna.
But to tell the truth, he had surrendered himself even at the
beginning. When he mad Krishna his charioteer and entrusted His
hands the reins of his horses, even then, he had got ready to give into
His hands the control of his mind and heart. Come, let us also do it.
Let us not say, "Arjuna had Krishna. Where are we to find our Krishna?"
Let us not get caught in the fallacy of historicity, that there was an
individual called "Krishna". Krishna
shines in the heart of each of us, the Inner Ruler. He is nearer to us
than the nearest.
So then, let us place all the flaws and falsehoods
of our heart before Him and say, "Oh Lord, I take refuge in you. You
are my sole master, my guru. Show me the right way. I shall tread only
the path you show." If we do so, He who drove Arjuna's chariot will drive
ours too, we ourselves shall hear the Gita in His own voice, and He will lead us to victory .